Wednesday, October 27, 2010


yesterday was our 1st induction experience. even though it is not like actual induction like what they in gov sector always have but then it is great when all the new staff can mix together. especially when some of the x-course mates become my colleague, felt like it was just a course that we always attend when we were student hehe..

Monday, October 25, 2010

stupid arrogant


.let we see what will u get in your future.


Saturday, October 23, 2010


awww.. mmg very the un-expect thing la..

0nce up0n a time, our ward's
ph0ne ringging. -ring..ngering.. ring..ngering

misi 1: haluu.. speaking, who in the line?
misi 1: wHAAT!! (bergegar ward)

misi berckp dgn mulut terl0p0ng (cuba try imagine itu)

then berita tersebar,

misi said shhhhhh~

'lut0r yg special itu kena bantei sma samsieng d bawh' (semua terngaga tidak percaya)

my reaction?

- tersengih (dont care oso, pity pun not really)
- cos he also never respect his nurses
- he never realize i am ready to follow his round
- he ever shouting at me infr0nt of patient's family member said that he dont want the new nurses to follow him..

Friday, October 22, 2010

i still love my latest post tho0..

someone become a HULK after read my previous post and warning me to delete it.

well thanks for surfing til my lousy blog; great! at last u undrstand what i post. cos previously i heard someone cant understand my blog. i didn't asked u to read it tho0.. i tot only mermer and bibie the 0ne who always read my p0st.

thanks to u then stalker.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


bec0me one of the nurses in Malaysia is great, truly great knowing yourself is in one of the professional profession after been struggling f0r it in 3 years.

and yeah im the registered nurse number 88494. n0t everybody have the same luck as me. finished my secondary scho0l, get an offer to continue for my dipl0ma

met with great ro0mates and friends

great coursemates..

and i keep remind myself, i cant get all of this if not because of my great family. my family is the greatest!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

dont know when i can d0 this..

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i miss those day when with them..

yea.. im empty without them. cant remember when was the last time we all hanging out together. now everybody has own life, bz with own things; i guess..

Sunday, August 29, 2010

cant imagine..

i cant imagine, how my life would be after married + having a child + as a nurse..

babysit my sisters while my parents when back t0 Julau for this 2 days is very challenging. never experience like this b4. this wasn't the 1st time i babysit my sister but, now the situation was different. i was w0rk in shift and yes it is very tough, after a hectic tired episode in hospital when i went back home there is another things i have to do.. it make me very stress

that y i can't imagine how my life would be when it is the time for me to become a nurse + wife + mum= stress (maybe)

1st salary and..

...only now i know what it feel like having money but it isn't enough.
during student time; having RM100 for a week is really great!. if not enough we just simply request for another amount.

and now when alm0st 2K in hand, oh my gosh. it is not enough! serious not enough. everything u have to pay by yourself, then u have to mnage the money and make sure it is enough til the next pay day waa..wa..

then when u have money in hand sure you want everything.. just now i went shopping with my sibling and rm400 has g0ne, just like that.. what say u hahaha im so afraid my money cant last til end of sept duh!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

i tot it will gone,

but.. it is now become unbearable pain. i have to take unpaid sick leave for today cos i know i cant stand this pain later
+..+.. me myself in pain then have to serve others people wh0 is in pain then i will get pain

Monday, August 23, 2010


yes... SARAWAK

it's official result already... my CONVOCATION will be @ sarawak

w0rst thing; will be held @ dewan jubli

what make me really sad is; even 0ur pre-grade they organize it @ riverside majestic hotel and now our graduation day; yes the real GRADUATION day will be held in DJ aka dewan jubli uitm campus swak.. pergh!!

the 0nly best thing when it is in SARAWAK is 'SAVE COST' yes! the 0nly single reas0n make sarawak is the best place for our convocation.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

.i wish.

i wish i have a lot of m0ney now; wanna go shopping =(

i wish bb is still here; so i'll have a friend who want to hang out with me =(

:bored mode:

Friday, August 20, 2010

.the bongok day ever.

after a m0nth of dumb and dumber orientation, i have to make sure all the stupid mistakes will be thr0w in bio hazard bin.

yea i really meant it. adapting in the new environment is not an easy thing to do.

serious! i do a l0t of mistake lately; especially when everything seem s0 stress. its really hard to follow the new type of management hurm.. stress! stress! stress!...

it's really affect me, especially the incidence with the surgeon today.. shit! bikin i malu..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

.yea.. this realy happen haha.

Friday, August 13, 2010


one of my FB's friends post a status which make me smile for my relationship

spend your life with someone who make you happy not who you have to impress

..most of people out there were in the unsure relationship. they don't know how to ch0ose between what their heart want and what others will talk bout their relationship.break your love one heart with the reason you cant impress people around you is the beginning of fake love.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

as smooth as....

harith iskandar head haha.. (remind me of nescafe advertisement)

...and yes; again im writing all the report again today. ++ i follow Dr lee and Dr.s0on round ward alone without my mentor.. and i do rang up Dr so0n to informed bout my patient condition ahak... hepi for myself..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

.hands on.

yesterday is the 2nd day i write the report for the whole patients in the ward.
it was grrrrhh... haha made me drowsy the whole nite yet i enjoy it cause it make time running fast..

..and yesterday is the 1st time i hands on for blood taking after 3 month ngeh..ngeh.. and it is success. so proud of myself cieh haha benggong hehe

just wondering if they will bully me again to write report again today..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


w0rking shift isn't bad at all. just that i am so paranoid that people fed up to teach me. they didn't show it but i feel it through the way they teach me , also the way they show their face. i am so sori for the blurness of me, it's not what i want. i was trained in the different environment and have been expose to it for three years than suddenly i have to change everything. no people can accept changes and understand it with just 0ne click.

i do mention here right.. during the 1st day sister prema has told me that she want to trained me at ICU. unfortunately that time there was no patients there. yesterday there is code BLUE in A&E (if in gov hospital it's a RED code -meaning someone is in the critical condition) i remember it was 4pm and sister is still in the office. she call me and said if ICU need extra staff u go there; yes i remember that. around 5'20pm people in ICU called and need extra staff. i wanted to go there as sister has inform me b4 but i didn't go. y? bcause there is one staff ni, i know she heard what sister did said to me cos she was there. she instructed me t0 finish all the report and she go there, i was so.. s0.. errghh.. then i heard one of the CA said, u better dont let new people go there later she will terkial-kial. they were talking like they were straightly expert when they were new b4. how can i learn if i never been expose to it =(

that y i said first impression is not an answer for everything. yes the environment is okay, even the staff is ocay actually just that they just another human being. when they know something more then they will look down to the new learners. this shouldn't happen if they have emphaties in themselves just like what they have promise when they want to become a nurse. i am 100% they have been taught bout it eventhough they were trained by others college.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

0n shift dy..


today is the first day i'll work in shift, ngeee excited. hopefully it would b less tired than office hour. working in ward in office hour really damn tired doe.. and yeah.. my toe under the nail started to bleeding again just like b4.. then the ugly nail will come out again huhu..

owh ya, today is the 1st day my friend; shida will report duty.. at last have another friend with me there. hopefully she is in the same ward with me or at least there is someone new with me in the ward. (update) haha she just sms-ing me.she is in the general ward same like me. unfortunately she is at general ward level 3, im at level 3A. lucky her to b there cos it is more organize.

ok la that all, want to cook for lunch and somethings i want to tapau.. =)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

.new exprience nge-nurse in the new environment.

huaaaarrrggghhhh... wat a wonderful nap after a week of superb tired without a nap. =)

ok fr0m A-z..

i has report duty at the Kuching specialist hospital (KPJ) last m0nday on the 2nd of august as a staf registered nurse. and the hectic w0rk has start that day. never expect i will start t0 nge-nurse that day. after a short orientation by the HR clerk, i was given an 0T gown as my temporary uniform. she has leave me at the general ward.. luckily there was a new staff trained by KPJ itself with me in the same ward and report duty at the same time. honestly i am not an independent person, and always take time to adapt in the new environment. so far everything is okay except for my heart =( on the first til the third day there is someone accompany me for breakfast, lunch and dinner after work. it was unplanned visit by him. he came for work in the same time i got my first job. but then i was so sad bcos when he went back to miri i cant send him to airport.

ocay.. back to our topic, in this hospital they don't have any 'jururawat masyarakat' but they do have care assistant. they were not been trained theory-lybut as i can see they were trained in the ward. they know a lot of things than me waa.. i still need some time to adapt to this ward. all the things done here is not the same like what i always do in SGH..

als0 they dont have any houseman and medical officer, all they got is only specialist. one of the specialist that i knew is Mr pubalan; the dermatologist. he is from SGH, no wonder he is so bz. so now i am working with specialist.i have to be knowledgeable to work as i heard all the specialist is very fussy. u have to know everything that they asked u to do during ward round. if not they will report you to unit manager the worst is if they report u to general manager. u can be kick out fr0m KPJ anytime. that is the worst..

if in the GH staff nurse incharge will be the one who will write down the report and follow the specialist round ward. if here it is totally different. staff nurse incharge will be the one who will do everything, she will become a runner. and make sure everything is done. there is no schedule for who will b the incharge or runner, they will divide themselves into two group. and here also everyone can write in the case note then we must sign in the end of the report.

and for the ward routine, every observations the care assistant will do.. the staff nurse can focus on others nursing procedure. and admission and discharge will be done by staff nurse, but everything is instant here.we only have to fill in the blank while interview pt including the nursing care plan. everything is there what u have to do is tick in the boxes. the best things is every patient history is confidential. here they dont have to take from A-Z of patient history like what they do in SGH.

when patient discharge the staff nurse has to explain everything especially the medication. so have to know bout all medication. i respect all the staff here. they were knowledgeable.

sometime i do feel like a blacksheep here. well i am the only staff fr0m others University here, while all of them is the staff trained by KPJ. but it is ok, i do expect this b4. life must go on.. keep upgrade own life dont make the small things bcome the great china wall =) .. it is a sour and salt hehe when we were going to work with all girl/women in the same place. women is hardly accept others women sometime heh!.. everything will b ok, i am really sure. even the blacksheep is also the sheep =)

the conclusion is.. i am happy working here =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

ohh.. my blog

..and hell0 bloggie..

waa.. s0 long huh.. hehe sori f0r ignoring u my lovely blog.. im t00 bz lately with my new j0b =) got s0 many things to settle..

i will update s0methings so0n keh..

Monday, July 26, 2010

that was... (-_-')

guess what?? hurm....

i just slept at 3 am this morning, well what will i d0 tomorrow that was what i think.. everyday was the same woke up late, taking bath, on9, lunch, on9, snack, on9,dinner,on9....... then sleep

...and today, i dont know how to describe this day.. f0rtunately or unfortunately hurmm....


a sister fr0m KPJ call me at 930am, she said; 'sheryn can you come for interview today at 1030am.. i said WTF!! (
dalam hati.. ngek!)


within one hour what else can i prepare xcept for my appearance.. even that pon not enough.. aiyoo.. why this happen to me, i was 0% prepared. ++ my mum g0ing out with my brother and lock me in the house without leaving any keys, especially the gate. how can i drive the kancil out.. haish! (
nasib my cousin free so she drove me there @ 1015am you know) when i was in KPJ i saw there is a girls.. and i know them..well there r fr0m UNIMAS, no wonder so familiar.. just that i dont like this 0ne girl, she try to make fo0l of me.. cibai ah lu.. nah ambik ko.. i know they were prepared, they received the call fr0m KPJ one week b4, at least have some time to get ready.. + + the have degree compare to me just a diploma holder. hurmm...

i dont like one of the interviewer, she was from human resource department.. aahh.. so sombong, i know i was shacking but please give me a chance, dont just gave me a straight face.. i dont have time to prepared myself, doing things last minute will never have the happy ending you know.. and thanks to the sister and nursing manager (a man u know) they were very supportive and try to calm me haiyo.. so truk kn me.. now, what can i do within this two weeks waiting for a call from them. if i didn't receive any call meaning i was being rejected.. =(

interesting things that i dig..


i got this article f0rm the nursing crib website, and it's really touching. it d0es touch my heart as i have see a lot of things against this article in hospital.. th0se who still have the heart and conscious should never ever against this will.. especially t0 the nurse wh0 should give care with the love and sincerity..

  1. I have the right to be treated as a living human being until I die.
  2. I have the right to maintain a sense of hopefulness however changing its focus may be.
  3. I have the right to be cared for by those who can maintain a sense of hopefulness, however changing this might be.
  4. I have the right to express my feelings and emotions about my approaching death in my own way.
  5. I have the right to participate in decisions concerning my care.
  6. I have the right to expect continuing medical and nursing attention even though “cure” goals must be changed to “comfort” goals.
  7. I have the right not to die alone.
  8. I have the right to be free from pain.
  9. I have the right to have my question answered honestly.
  10. I have the right not to be deceived.
  11. I have the right to have help from and for my family in accepting my death.
  12. I have the right to die in peace and dignity.
  13. I have the right to retain my individuality and not be judged for my decisions which may be contrary to beliefs of others.
  14. I have the right to discuss and engage my religious and/or spiritual experiences, whatever these may mean to others.
  15. I have the right to expect that the sanctity of the human body will be respected after death.
  16. I have the right to be cared for by caring, sensitive, knowledgeable people who will attempt to understand my needs and will be able to gain some satisfaction in helping me face my death.

another oppurtunity (wanna be)

can c any different??

happy monday all and happy 'grape-ing' monday to me and s0me of my 'misi' geng.. ('',)

...and today i got a call from KPJ specialist again. n0t a call f0r inform me to come to any interview (-_-') but still there is a hope for me.. cos they were call to inform me to send my copy 0f license (=

and i am keep cr0ssing my fingers and h0ping there is a space for me there..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

..flash back <-------- but never turn back ------>

gambar hiasan

yesterday all of us has receive the result.. the result f0r the end 0f our race.. well maybe 95%-97% 0f us has cr0ss the finish line.. and f0r the unexpected friends wh0 has failed to reach the finish line; don't give up. fail once doesn't mean you will fail forever. remember f0r those wh0 want to change there is always a 2nd chance f0r them.. ..and f0r all of friends with the new status of registered nurse; go0d luck f0r the new beginning and don't f0rget that life isn't 100% easy all the time.. after has been rejected for my 1st interview in nursing; i have realize that the status of diploma holder for nursing is not a guarantee that there is a j0b waiting for all of us out there. all the employer out there expect for extra...extra..extra things fr0m us.. huh! especially if you know how to speak mandarin that is the credit for u.. hurrmm.. kinda disappointed for that. but life must go on.. i will never turn back.. apply...apply..apply.. and apply and fight for my position as now i am 0ne of Malaysian regitered nurse =)

Monday, July 19, 2010

go0d n half bad news..

how about the half bad news first.. well as u all know i have my first nursing interview today at timberland.. i dunno whether it is 0k or what.. the matr0n never say i am not accepted just that she asked me t0 come again with my license then only they decide whether t0 accept me or not.. f0r me, personally she has rejected my application in her polite ways.. so i guess maybe i will not come back..

the go0d news is i am n0w a registered nurse =) ... few h0urs after i have been rejected kot, my friends called me and she said the result is came 0ut.. when i called my lecturer the first w0rd i heard is congratulation shereen.. u did it! u pass the exam.. i feel really great!! at last that is the end of my journey as a student nurse.. and welcome t0 the w0rking w0rld..

so that is the g0od and half bad news f0r today..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

m0rning c0l..

uuhh.. it's m0nday again..

dis morning i received a lot of m0rning c0l which kinda disturb my quality dream haha.. for t0day is the day..

- it's my 1st nurse interview day

- it's the day my result should arrive in kuching since we were left over (always happen')

- the day i receive unexpected call fr0m KPJ.. duh..duh.. y dont u 0ffer me straight away t0 come for interview.. they just asking whether i had any loan b4 for my study.. ermm.. weird right? when i said i was 'sendirian berhad' fully sp0nsored by my parents they said.. owh ok, later 0ur sister will call u.. uurrrghh! s0 sad.. i g0t interview this aftern0on haish.. if u asked me whether i cho0se KPJ or timberland i will g0 for both hahaha 'rangka!!' if KPJ i just go for their salary and uniform hahaha if timberland i might like the environment but salary mayb a lil thing which make me cho0se KPJ more haha.. so?? i oso d0n't know.. very confident ha people will accept u haha.. s0t..

the c0nclusion is, i will take what ever c0me first.. dun want to take a risk fr0m losing it both.. i am afresh graduate what no need to expect the salary high as the mountain haha..

eh wait.. i said received a lot of call right.. ya very a lot.. the 1st one is not a call it's a sms fr0m sheena.. wishing me 'kuat luck' for the interview, then fr0m erlyn; she asking about the LJM result and oso wishing me 'kuat luck'.. after that fr0m Jandy oso same topic with erlyn; kuat luck ho me today.. lastly it is fr0m ain, she was 'ngular' n using clinic's phone to call me and oso the same topic hahaha KUAT luck ho today..

sheryn, KUAT luck ho f0r today.. =)

p/s: the 1st pers0n who call me today of course la my syg.. he call me every morning act as my alarm clock hehe so suweett.. LOVE HIM.. hug* hug*

Saturday, July 17, 2010


there is butterfly in my st0mach.. gosh!..

oh G0d help me t0 calm myself and give me m0re confident t0 face the interviewer this coming Monday..

currently, i am still guessing what is the question will they asked me.. keep guessing and make me more nervous.. hurrmm..

Mdm lau li li, my lecturer chatting with me yesterday, she said don't worry sheryn.. u have been call for interview already that mean u got the job already.. the interview is just for formality.. fuh.. i hope s0 mdm.. cr0ssing my finger..

Friday, July 16, 2010


haha.. that's me

hehe s0 weird the word that i have create kn hehehe... fr0m dictionary; nurse is a person educated and trained to care for the sick and disabled.. and fr0m my own dictionary; nge-nurse is t0 take care the sick and disabled.. o0.. so kind of me kan haha prasan.. however, i love the gift that god has gave t0 me t0 become a nurse.. even though at the first place it is n0t my interest.. =) ..start fr0m that i believe that there is always a reas0n for everything..

this monday is the beggining, my first interview in this field. i didn't expect it will run smo0thly as this is my first try. s0 if i failed this m0nday i'll give my best shot f0r the next interview at KPJ =) .. learn fr0m the mistake and never st0p..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

my 2nd..

my 2nd interview in my life.. the 1st 0ne has been pass successfully with confident even though i didn't get the job haha enough f0r interview exprience.. next monday will b the 2nd time f0r me n this time really make me nervous. for sure i will be interview by matr0n..if in SGH the only thing i can d0 if i met matron is says gud m0rning/afternoon n evening haha.. s0 scared if they asking any question.. f0r some they r very sporting, if u answered wr0ng they will explained to u, but f0r some they might scold u and just walked away eerggh.. scary..~ my friend said be c0ol n confident is enough.. they will ask bout my life.. mm interesting. but.. will there any words come out fr0m my mouth that time?? ergghh! scary.. if there is c0nfident n0thing impossible right.. huh! that my pr0blem.. lack of confident, when i was alone i can do it but when it come to the real time everything g0ne and blur.. perggghh! what a shame.. (T_T)

i have to give my very best for this coming interview.. i have to prepare myself.. no more grape-ing perrggh!

psstt.. for sure i want this job not bcos of the uniform ar haha i like this career s0 much eh no i LOVE it larh hehe.. wish me luck keh..

Monday, July 12, 2010

"Graduation (Friends Forever)"

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

p/s: for all of my friends out there..

Friday, July 9, 2010

he is here...

awwww.. i l0ike.. eric is here a.k.a my heart is here..

i am so happieee...
he will always be him hehe..

when i miss him s0 damn much he know how t0 settle it..

since 2 years 4 month 3 weeks and 3 days im with him the long distance relationship almost bec0me 80% easy f0r me..

he know h0w t0 make me feel like it is not a pr0blem f0r us, he pr0ve what he has promise t0 me 2 years ago ' the long distance relationship is n0t an obstacle f0r tw0 heart when there is a LOVE'..

trust and patience is the key..
my weakness is i cant keep both key,the only key i can keep is trust.. patience is all g0es to him =)

i loike him.. eh no!.
i LOVE him =)

Monday, July 5, 2010

dilemma that u will face fr0m being ME..

hi peeps.. it's me again

a student nurse wh0 is just d0ne with her nursing board examination and unemployed.. eh wait.. what is my status actually? i cant answer it t0o.. am i a student nurse? haish i am not student anymore.. am i a nurse? emm an unemployed nurse.. i dont have a license yet, ermm once again am i a nurse? i am an un-license unemployed nurse haha pelik nya bunyi..

just sent my resume this aftern0on at timberland.. n now i have dilemma with my language.. honestly i am not fluent when i am speak in English.. i have the words in my mind just that it cant come out when i want t0 speak. owh gosh what a dilemma being me.. being a diploma holder who cant speak in English fluently.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

kuching still want me to stay...

my friends sms-ing me regarding the vacancy at Timberland hospital..

and now i am confuse whether i want to apply or still want to wait for the answer from columbia asia.. im dying wanted the job s0 much but they still have no answer for me.. so i guess kuching still want me t0 stay..

Thursday, July 1, 2010

tet! 1st application has come to their attention...

but my application has been throw to their human resource store.. -_-' hurmmm...

Dear Shereen,

Greetings from Columbia Asia Hospital Bintulu!

Please be informed that your application has come to our attention.

At the moment, vacancy for Staff Nurse is not available but should there be in the near future, our Human Resources Department will contact you.

Thank you for your interest in serving the hospital and we wish you a pleasant day.

Warmest Regards,


owh license please come out faster.. i am dying d0ing nothing at home..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

up & d0wn..

d0ne with my interview yesterday
the conclusion is,
interview for a new jobs is not that hard as long as you ready and confident..

b4 this im dying wanted this job so much but after interview my feeling bc0me up side down..
i dont want that job tet! how leh?
well this is me...
cant stick with 1 decision

Thursday, June 24, 2010

banci bh..

8.22 am....

Hello tok shereen ka?

erm ya? sapa tok? (i tot someone one i know cos she speak swakian)

kmk dr kementerian perangkaan, ktk ada apply utk jawatan penyelia banci sementara nak.

owh, auk knk?

ktk dtg interview 29hb tok owh kt queen court tingkat 2 kul 8 pagi. bw semua sijil ktk yg original. pkai pakaian kemas k

ok, maksih.. hehehe

i got the job haha..
anyway a lil bit terpesong fr0m wat i had learns but it can improve my communication skill
and guess wat i will attend my first interview.. 8least i have an exprience b4 the real interview for misi.. =)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

pssst....past..pass.. past,,,


everything already d0ne..
the LJM is my past already =b
and i hope i will pass
and i can get my license as so0n as possible..

cant wait to join the w0rking world
i know it is gonna be hard than my student time
but i know i can =)

Monday, June 21, 2010

t0morrow and the day after tomorrow..


i am after being so0 quiet f0r quite sometime kot hehe cause of ke-lazy-an melanda..
tomorow will be my big day.. the day that will change everything.. i will sit f0r nursing board examination. and honestly i am not 100% prepared. and i am being s0 s0o lazy lately. but after 3 years of my diploma i am confident that i am ready for it.. what would happen on the day after tomorrow? well no body know, even me myself cant answer it.. let it flow like a river but i prefer to sail on my own boat at the free flow river and i will be the captain..


Friday, June 18, 2010


we never tot it will hurt u.. just that we tot it is not the right time to say thanx til we pass the LJM..
sory once again..

Monday, June 14, 2010

time to push myself..

LJM is around the corner
so i guess i should change my gear fr0m D to D2
(auto edition hahaha..)

to all my friends go0d luck for this coming big day and congrat!! for our marvelous previous result-so now we can grade 0n time together yeehaaaa... =)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

s0o not me.. and hepi ending yeah!

well today is suppose t0 be my critical day but never expect it will b this critical.. yea so s0 critical im s0 desperate want to know my result.. ............ tadaaaa.. here she c0me my fren kihkih.. she said she already know her result cos she main 'buyuk' .. she offer me to check mine if i willing to let her know my password well what do u expect i am so desperate..

and i got it..
i got this..



i am so hepi!!

im on the top of the world!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010


surprise huh?
but im not surprise at all
doesn't matter whether this pig hemoglobin exist or not cigarette will be and always become a poison to human..
it all up to every person how they define it..

go back or not...

still haven't make up my mind to go back to Julau with my family or not..

planned to Sabah? canceled hurm..
cos on the 4th of June there is gawai antu for my late granpa @ serau..
meaning~ will b @ serau fr0m 30th may to 5th june

aiyo0.. 1 week w0aa..


- no electric and water supply
-limited of Digi line
-n0 internet connection
meaning no facebook n no blogging..yer~

but eh..
i miss kampung dy.. can smell the l0ng house ar0ma (if u ever go to traditional long house im sure u understand this)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

am i..

haha.. closed to translate every english words that they try t0 'bahasa'-kan..

it take us 6 hours to c0mplete the 2 hours question paper..

n i still have 6 sets of incomplete questions paper + 1 bo0k fr0m sheena.

can ha.. if i close my mind for it n just g0 for our own question which is much more easy t0 understand and more similar with ward condition..

am i dare enough t0 stop??

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

got it...

gmbr ini hanyalah hiasan semata-mata.. makseh!

got the example of 'that' exam paper..
n guess what??
it make my head spinning a.k.a headache adei..
merinsa da m0k translate everything
cuba la official cket suma pakai english kn senang..

Sunday, May 16, 2010

have to..

have to make it straight

baby u lo0k so ugly like dis =(

dear ♥

get well s0on k
this is prescription f0r u fr0m me
(im ur personal nurse ait.. hehe)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

he said..

'mcm mna pun syg trima jg. blh di pupuk jg...'
i loike

thanks syg f0r accept-ing me the way i am

future plan..

well here i am..
an almost 21 years old girl who s0on will have her own diploma in nursing then grab a staff nurse license and will be a nurse in where ever hospital that need her service.. i guess i should do t0 do list by my own now.. cant let my life flow without direction since our river now n0t virgin as our river 10 year ag0.. a l0t of junk will blocking my way.. s0 no more quote 'let my life flow as a river' tet! rejected.. now this quote inspired me more 'we are the pilot of our own life' will never let others t0 plan bout how my life will be..

bef0re all 0f my sweet nurses friends flew back to their own nest, we hanging out together for 1 whole day.. we spent our last lunch til dinner together.. i still remember during our dinner at premier 101 we has discuss bout our future plan.. bout our future employer, salary,life and life partner haha.. kinda intresting t0pic for that nite. i still remember erlyn's topic, bout ♥.. she said, in this w0rld there is tw0 kind of serious love, ok we push puppy love to the side.. tw0 kind of love she means is casual love and committed love. casual love is, yes we are in l0ve with our partner but we never think of marriage.. in other words we were still waiting for the right one instead of 'him'.. for the committed love, it is what u really want. both of u serious and u ready to accept everything bout your partner. majority of us that night admit they were in the casual l0ve and im the only one who has enter t0 the committed love.. all the criteria of committed love is exist in my relationship..

ok back to the topic bout my future plan.. i never have any thought 0f married at this age.. i dun want to waste all of my 3 years time while taking my diploma end with marriage. hopefully i will married at the age of at least 24 and before 27 that my aim.. b4 that i want to become a single nurse not a married nurse just like what i have observe at hospital.. most of staff nurse will married after finish their 3 years of training.. i target to work for 2 years then futher my study to degree, i really hope me myself will hold to this promise (crossing my fingers!)

thats my future plan.. (>,<)y

Thursday, May 13, 2010

b0red and ...

“Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need”

i wish i already have my license and can send my resume to the hospital that i have aim now and w0rking and waiting the end of month for my salary and buy anything that i want and... urrghhhh! i want my own life...

i got ♥ letter...

an apologize letter actually.. fr0m some0ne that make me cried f0r him a few years ag0.. well maybe it influence my love st0ry a lil bit k0t.. want t0 know what is the influence? well.. to them who is in Malaysian defence gr0ups, sori im not into u.. that all la =) but we can be friend, to be life partner maybe 90% no!.. n i guess my l0ve one is not 0ne of them =) n im glad wit it..
even though we are not l0ve partner u can oso make me smile as a friend

(actually i want to post his letter here but i guess i should respect him since he is try to respect me after that event)

one by one...

just n0w i has sent erlyn t0 airport.. yesterday i sent shelly and jandy and tomorrow will be lis turn.. end with i am al0ne here without my sweet nurses friends.. eh wait i still got ain here but she is t0o far , t0o coward t0 drive al0ne to seberang there with my kancil.. chee my kancil gik ya.. my kancil wannabe la.. i'll take 0ver u later after i've my own salary hehe.. k sayang..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

u know what u wan..




keinginan will win cause it is fr0m your heart

hepi Nurses day t0 all 0f my friends and lecturers

t0 my beloved friends and lecturers thanks f0r everything..

bef0re and after

this was unplanned plan haha..
actually i was 0ffer shelly t0 go to 175'cafe then lis asked me a favor t0 send her things t0 terminal..
fr0m terminal we go to 175' cafe

then we were thinking 0f sal0n hair washing after suggesting several place we make up our mind t0 go to trends hair studio which located in front of pullman..
fr0m there we change our mind due t0 me i guess hehe.. dunno la i dun cofident with them.. n yes their pr0motion was dadak! tipu punya.. if just wash hair pkai shampoo biasa without massage i g0t shampo0 oso, pantene gik ya..

fr0m there we go to wisma seberkas go straight t0 artist ngahaha.. actually we do go to art of hair n they have n0 magnet t0 catch us..
artist got the magnet at last hehe..

..thanx Bens0n f0r this hairstyle..

n thanx t0 Levin oso f0r offer us t0 become his model f0r his hairstyle show..
sori we have t0 say n0..

Monday, May 10, 2010

when im stress i will..

cry out loud by myself in my r0om..
used to cry infr0nt of my friends oso.. just s0me of them.. especially bibie and claudia when we were r0ommate in my 1st year in UiTM.. n0w no more.. we just cant fit together but still contact n g0 makang together if got time hoh.... hey! the guy yg buat ku nangis infront of u all just add me in FB just now.. i still remember, we were break when he is odw to his training center @ pulapor.. hue..hue.. haha

i will c0nsume a lot of foods.. i am the pers0n who dont really care bout my BMI.. rarely trying t0 diet even though want to kurus.. seriously.. mulut said want t0 kurus but still consume anything that i like.. as long as i relief..

used to need s0meone to lent their ears t0 me.. but now i realize that only one pers0n that i really trust for this.. only eric.. so when ever i got problem with him i have no body to share that things with n just keep it by myself which sometime make me superb stress.. but what can i do... i only trust him.. i trust my parents but it is not suitable for me to tell that kind of problem to them..

just l0ve..

i just l0ve her m0vie t0 the max..
i have watch almost all of them n n0w im wathcing according t0 greta~her0in hillary duff ('',)

gonna miss this...

this is the years 0f making new friends, explore the new place, gain m0re knowledge, share the laugh and tears and learn h0w to say go0d bye..

Sunday, May 9, 2010


after l0ss it for a several months it c0me t0 kill me this month..
it is really killing me..
0oh.. DYSMENORRHEA shit!