Saturday, August 7, 2010

.new exprience nge-nurse in the new environment.

huaaaarrrggghhhh... wat a wonderful nap after a week of superb tired without a nap. =)

ok fr0m A-z..

i has report duty at the Kuching specialist hospital (KPJ) last m0nday on the 2nd of august as a staf registered nurse. and the hectic w0rk has start that day. never expect i will start t0 nge-nurse that day. after a short orientation by the HR clerk, i was given an 0T gown as my temporary uniform. she has leave me at the general ward.. luckily there was a new staff trained by KPJ itself with me in the same ward and report duty at the same time. honestly i am not an independent person, and always take time to adapt in the new environment. so far everything is okay except for my heart =( on the first til the third day there is someone accompany me for breakfast, lunch and dinner after work. it was unplanned visit by him. he came for work in the same time i got my first job. but then i was so sad bcos when he went back to miri i cant send him to airport.

ocay.. back to our topic, in this hospital they don't have any 'jururawat masyarakat' but they do have care assistant. they were not been trained theory-lybut as i can see they were trained in the ward. they know a lot of things than me waa.. i still need some time to adapt to this ward. all the things done here is not the same like what i always do in SGH..

als0 they dont have any houseman and medical officer, all they got is only specialist. one of the specialist that i knew is Mr pubalan; the dermatologist. he is from SGH, no wonder he is so bz. so now i am working with specialist.i have to be knowledgeable to work as i heard all the specialist is very fussy. u have to know everything that they asked u to do during ward round. if not they will report you to unit manager the worst is if they report u to general manager. u can be kick out fr0m KPJ anytime. that is the worst..

if in the GH staff nurse incharge will be the one who will write down the report and follow the specialist round ward. if here it is totally different. staff nurse incharge will be the one who will do everything, she will become a runner. and make sure everything is done. there is no schedule for who will b the incharge or runner, they will divide themselves into two group. and here also everyone can write in the case note then we must sign in the end of the report.

and for the ward routine, every observations the care assistant will do.. the staff nurse can focus on others nursing procedure. and admission and discharge will be done by staff nurse, but everything is instant here.we only have to fill in the blank while interview pt including the nursing care plan. everything is there what u have to do is tick in the boxes. the best things is every patient history is confidential. here they dont have to take from A-Z of patient history like what they do in SGH.

when patient discharge the staff nurse has to explain everything especially the medication. so have to know bout all medication. i respect all the staff here. they were knowledgeable.

sometime i do feel like a blacksheep here. well i am the only staff fr0m others University here, while all of them is the staff trained by KPJ. but it is ok, i do expect this b4. life must go on.. keep upgrade own life dont make the small things bcome the great china wall =) .. it is a sour and salt hehe when we were going to work with all girl/women in the same place. women is hardly accept others women sometime heh!.. everything will b ok, i am really sure. even the blacksheep is also the sheep =)

the conclusion is.. i am happy working here =)


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