Tuesday, August 10, 2010


w0rking shift isn't bad at all. just that i am so paranoid that people fed up to teach me. they didn't show it but i feel it through the way they teach me , also the way they show their face. i am so sori for the blurness of me, it's not what i want. i was trained in the different environment and have been expose to it for three years than suddenly i have to change everything. no people can accept changes and understand it with just 0ne click.

i do mention here right.. during the 1st day sister prema has told me that she want to trained me at ICU. unfortunately that time there was no patients there. yesterday there is code BLUE in A&E (if in gov hospital it's a RED code -meaning someone is in the critical condition) i remember it was 4pm and sister is still in the office. she call me and said if ICU need extra staff u go there; yes i remember that. around 5'20pm people in ICU called and need extra staff. i wanted to go there as sister has inform me b4 but i didn't go. y? bcause there is one staff ni, i know she heard what sister did said to me cos she was there. she instructed me t0 finish all the report and she go there, i was so.. s0.. errghh.. then i heard one of the CA said, u better dont let new people go there later she will terkial-kial. they were talking like they were straightly expert when they were new b4. how can i learn if i never been expose to it =(

that y i said first impression is not an answer for everything. yes the environment is okay, even the staff is ocay actually just that they just another human being. when they know something more then they will look down to the new learners. this shouldn't happen if they have emphaties in themselves just like what they have promise when they want to become a nurse. i am 100% they have been taught bout it eventhough they were trained by others college.


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