Sunday, August 8, 2010

0n shift dy..


today is the first day i'll work in shift, ngeee excited. hopefully it would b less tired than office hour. working in ward in office hour really damn tired doe.. and yeah.. my toe under the nail started to bleeding again just like b4.. then the ugly nail will come out again huhu..

owh ya, today is the 1st day my friend; shida will report duty.. at last have another friend with me there. hopefully she is in the same ward with me or at least there is someone new with me in the ward. (update) haha she just sms-ing me.she is in the general ward same like me. unfortunately she is at general ward level 3, im at level 3A. lucky her to b there cos it is more organize.

ok la that all, want to cook for lunch and somethings i want to tapau.. =)


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