Tuesday, July 20, 2010

..flash back <-------- but never turn back ------>

gambar hiasan

yesterday all of us has receive the result.. the result f0r the end 0f our race.. well maybe 95%-97% 0f us has cr0ss the finish line.. and f0r the unexpected friends wh0 has failed to reach the finish line; don't give up. fail once doesn't mean you will fail forever. remember f0r those wh0 want to change there is always a 2nd chance f0r them.. ..and f0r all of friends with the new status of registered nurse; go0d luck f0r the new beginning and don't f0rget that life isn't 100% easy all the time.. after has been rejected for my 1st interview in nursing; i have realize that the status of diploma holder for nursing is not a guarantee that there is a j0b waiting for all of us out there. all the employer out there expect for extra...extra..extra things fr0m us.. huh! especially if you know how to speak mandarin that is the credit for u.. hurrmm.. kinda disappointed for that. but life must go on.. i will never turn back.. apply...apply..apply.. and apply and fight for my position as now i am 0ne of Malaysian regitered nurse =)


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