Monday, July 19, 2010

go0d n half bad news..

how about the half bad news first.. well as u all know i have my first nursing interview today at timberland.. i dunno whether it is 0k or what.. the matr0n never say i am not accepted just that she asked me t0 come again with my license then only they decide whether t0 accept me or not.. f0r me, personally she has rejected my application in her polite ways.. so i guess maybe i will not come back..

the go0d news is i am n0w a registered nurse =) ... few h0urs after i have been rejected kot, my friends called me and she said the result is came 0ut.. when i called my lecturer the first w0rd i heard is congratulation shereen.. u did it! u pass the exam.. i feel really great!! at last that is the end of my journey as a student nurse.. and welcome t0 the w0rking w0rld..

so that is the g0od and half bad news f0r today..


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