Monday, July 5, 2010

dilemma that u will face fr0m being ME..

hi peeps.. it's me again

a student nurse wh0 is just d0ne with her nursing board examination and unemployed.. eh wait.. what is my status actually? i cant answer it t0o.. am i a student nurse? haish i am not student anymore.. am i a nurse? emm an unemployed nurse.. i dont have a license yet, ermm once again am i a nurse? i am an un-license unemployed nurse haha pelik nya bunyi..

just sent my resume this aftern0on at timberland.. n now i have dilemma with my language.. honestly i am not fluent when i am speak in English.. i have the words in my mind just that it cant come out when i want t0 speak. owh gosh what a dilemma being me.. being a diploma holder who cant speak in English fluently.


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