Friday, July 9, 2010

he is here...

awwww.. i l0ike.. eric is here a.k.a my heart is here..

i am so happieee...
he will always be him hehe..

when i miss him s0 damn much he know how t0 settle it..

since 2 years 4 month 3 weeks and 3 days im with him the long distance relationship almost bec0me 80% easy f0r me..

he know h0w t0 make me feel like it is not a pr0blem f0r us, he pr0ve what he has promise t0 me 2 years ago ' the long distance relationship is n0t an obstacle f0r tw0 heart when there is a LOVE'..

trust and patience is the key..
my weakness is i cant keep both key,the only key i can keep is trust.. patience is all g0es to him =)

i loike him.. eh no!.
i LOVE him =)


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