Thursday, July 15, 2010

my 2nd..

my 2nd interview in my life.. the 1st 0ne has been pass successfully with confident even though i didn't get the job haha enough f0r interview exprience.. next monday will b the 2nd time f0r me n this time really make me nervous. for sure i will be interview by matr0n..if in SGH the only thing i can d0 if i met matron is says gud m0rning/afternoon n evening haha.. s0 scared if they asking any question.. f0r some they r very sporting, if u answered wr0ng they will explained to u, but f0r some they might scold u and just walked away eerggh.. scary..~ my friend said be c0ol n confident is enough.. they will ask bout my life.. mm interesting. but.. will there any words come out fr0m my mouth that time?? ergghh! scary.. if there is c0nfident n0thing impossible right.. huh! that my pr0blem.. lack of confident, when i was alone i can do it but when it come to the real time everything g0ne and blur.. perggghh! what a shame.. (T_T)

i have to give my very best for this coming interview.. i have to prepare myself.. no more grape-ing perrggh!

psstt.. for sure i want this job not bcos of the uniform ar haha i like this career s0 much eh no i LOVE it larh hehe.. wish me luck keh..


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