Monday, July 26, 2010

that was... (-_-')

guess what?? hurm....

i just slept at 3 am this morning, well what will i d0 tomorrow that was what i think.. everyday was the same woke up late, taking bath, on9, lunch, on9, snack, on9,dinner,on9....... then sleep

...and today, i dont know how to describe this day.. f0rtunately or unfortunately hurmm....


a sister fr0m KPJ call me at 930am, she said; 'sheryn can you come for interview today at 1030am.. i said WTF!! (
dalam hati.. ngek!)


within one hour what else can i prepare xcept for my appearance.. even that pon not enough.. aiyoo.. why this happen to me, i was 0% prepared. ++ my mum g0ing out with my brother and lock me in the house without leaving any keys, especially the gate. how can i drive the kancil out.. haish! (
nasib my cousin free so she drove me there @ 1015am you know) when i was in KPJ i saw there is a girls.. and i know them..well there r fr0m UNIMAS, no wonder so familiar.. just that i dont like this 0ne girl, she try to make fo0l of me.. cibai ah lu.. nah ambik ko.. i know they were prepared, they received the call fr0m KPJ one week b4, at least have some time to get ready.. + + the have degree compare to me just a diploma holder. hurmm...

i dont like one of the interviewer, she was from human resource department.. aahh.. so sombong, i know i was shacking but please give me a chance, dont just gave me a straight face.. i dont have time to prepared myself, doing things last minute will never have the happy ending you know.. and thanks to the sister and nursing manager (a man u know) they were very supportive and try to calm me haiyo.. so truk kn me.. now, what can i do within this two weeks waiting for a call from them. if i didn't receive any call meaning i was being rejected.. =(


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