Sunday, July 18, 2010

m0rning c0l..

uuhh.. it's m0nday again..

dis morning i received a lot of m0rning c0l which kinda disturb my quality dream haha.. for t0day is the day..

- it's my 1st nurse interview day

- it's the day my result should arrive in kuching since we were left over (always happen')

- the day i receive unexpected call fr0m KPJ.. duh..duh.. y dont u 0ffer me straight away t0 come for interview.. they just asking whether i had any loan b4 for my study.. ermm.. weird right? when i said i was 'sendirian berhad' fully sp0nsored by my parents they said.. owh ok, later 0ur sister will call u.. uurrrghh! s0 sad.. i g0t interview this aftern0on haish.. if u asked me whether i cho0se KPJ or timberland i will g0 for both hahaha 'rangka!!' if KPJ i just go for their salary and uniform hahaha if timberland i might like the environment but salary mayb a lil thing which make me cho0se KPJ more haha.. so?? i oso d0n't know.. very confident ha people will accept u haha.. s0t..

the c0nclusion is, i will take what ever c0me first.. dun want to take a risk fr0m losing it both.. i am afresh graduate what no need to expect the salary high as the mountain haha..

eh wait.. i said received a lot of call right.. ya very a lot.. the 1st one is not a call it's a sms fr0m sheena.. wishing me 'kuat luck' for the interview, then fr0m erlyn; she asking about the LJM result and oso wishing me 'kuat luck'.. after that fr0m Jandy oso same topic with erlyn; kuat luck ho me today.. lastly it is fr0m ain, she was 'ngular' n using clinic's phone to call me and oso the same topic hahaha KUAT luck ho today..

sheryn, KUAT luck ho f0r today.. =)

p/s: the 1st pers0n who call me today of course la my syg.. he call me every morning act as my alarm clock hehe so suweett.. LOVE HIM.. hug* hug*


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