Monday, May 10, 2010

when im stress i will..

cry out loud by myself in my r0om..
used to cry infr0nt of my friends oso.. just s0me of them.. especially bibie and claudia when we were r0ommate in my 1st year in UiTM.. n0w no more.. we just cant fit together but still contact n g0 makang together if got time hoh.... hey! the guy yg buat ku nangis infront of u all just add me in FB just now.. i still remember, we were break when he is odw to his training center @ pulapor.. hue..hue.. haha

i will c0nsume a lot of foods.. i am the pers0n who dont really care bout my BMI.. rarely trying t0 diet even though want to kurus.. seriously.. mulut said want t0 kurus but still consume anything that i like.. as long as i relief..

used to need s0meone to lent their ears t0 me.. but now i realize that only one pers0n that i really trust for this.. only eric.. so when ever i got problem with him i have no body to share that things with n just keep it by myself which sometime make me superb stress.. but what can i do... i only trust him.. i trust my parents but it is not suitable for me to tell that kind of problem to them..


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