Saturday, May 15, 2010

future plan..

well here i am..
an almost 21 years old girl who s0on will have her own diploma in nursing then grab a staff nurse license and will be a nurse in where ever hospital that need her service.. i guess i should do t0 do list by my own now.. cant let my life flow without direction since our river now n0t virgin as our river 10 year ag0.. a l0t of junk will blocking my way.. s0 no more quote 'let my life flow as a river' tet! rejected.. now this quote inspired me more 'we are the pilot of our own life' will never let others t0 plan bout how my life will be..

bef0re all 0f my sweet nurses friends flew back to their own nest, we hanging out together for 1 whole day.. we spent our last lunch til dinner together.. i still remember during our dinner at premier 101 we has discuss bout our future plan.. bout our future employer, salary,life and life partner haha.. kinda intresting t0pic for that nite. i still remember erlyn's topic, bout ♥.. she said, in this w0rld there is tw0 kind of serious love, ok we push puppy love to the side.. tw0 kind of love she means is casual love and committed love. casual love is, yes we are in l0ve with our partner but we never think of marriage.. in other words we were still waiting for the right one instead of 'him'.. for the committed love, it is what u really want. both of u serious and u ready to accept everything bout your partner. majority of us that night admit they were in the casual l0ve and im the only one who has enter t0 the committed love.. all the criteria of committed love is exist in my relationship..

ok back to the topic bout my future plan.. i never have any thought 0f married at this age.. i dun want to waste all of my 3 years time while taking my diploma end with marriage. hopefully i will married at the age of at least 24 and before 27 that my aim.. b4 that i want to become a single nurse not a married nurse just like what i have observe at hospital.. most of staff nurse will married after finish their 3 years of training.. i target to work for 2 years then futher my study to degree, i really hope me myself will hold to this promise (crossing my fingers!)

thats my future plan.. (>,<)y


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