Tuesday, May 11, 2010

bef0re and after

this was unplanned plan haha..
actually i was 0ffer shelly t0 go to 175'cafe then lis asked me a favor t0 send her things t0 terminal..
fr0m terminal we go to 175' cafe

then we were thinking 0f sal0n hair washing after suggesting several place we make up our mind t0 go to trends hair studio which located in front of pullman..
fr0m there we change our mind due t0 me i guess hehe.. dunno la i dun cofident with them.. n yes their pr0motion was dadak! tipu punya.. if just wash hair pkai shampoo biasa without massage i g0t shampo0 oso, pantene gik ya..

fr0m there we go to wisma seberkas go straight t0 artist ngahaha.. actually we do go to art of hair n they have n0 magnet t0 catch us..
artist got the magnet at last hehe..

..thanx Bens0n f0r this hairstyle..

n thanx t0 Levin oso f0r offer us t0 become his model f0r his hairstyle show..
sori we have t0 say n0..


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