Thursday, May 6, 2010

another news from columbia asia...

just received an email fr0m columbia asia.. this time it is n0t t0o disappoint me cos fr0m their email i know after i have my license an opportunity for me is there..

From: shereen deborah []
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 10:38 AM
Subject: curious to know..


I am a final year student nurse from University of Mara(UITM). I just want to know whether your hospital receive or have any vacancy for a fresh graduate student without a license from nursing board. I have finish all of my curriculum in UITM and just waiting for nursing board exam in June. Thanks..


Christina Jaim

To:shereen deborah
Cc:Michelle Jering Udol

Dear Shereen,

Greetings from Columbia Asia Hospital-Bintulu!

Thank you for your email and interest in serving the hospital.

Regret to inform you that there is no vacancy available at the moment. To be employed as a Nurse, a Practicing License is absolutely vital.

Have a pleasant day.

Kind Regards,



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