Friday, July 16, 2010


haha.. that's me

hehe s0 weird the word that i have create kn hehehe... fr0m dictionary; nurse is a person educated and trained to care for the sick and disabled.. and fr0m my own dictionary; nge-nurse is t0 take care the sick and disabled.. o0.. so kind of me kan haha prasan.. however, i love the gift that god has gave t0 me t0 become a nurse.. even though at the first place it is n0t my interest.. =) ..start fr0m that i believe that there is always a reas0n for everything..

this monday is the beggining, my first interview in this field. i didn't expect it will run smo0thly as this is my first try. s0 if i failed this m0nday i'll give my best shot f0r the next interview at KPJ =) .. learn fr0m the mistake and never st0p..


sheric said...

cant believe there are friends wh0 like the w0rd in FB haha

Anonymous said...

shereen gud luckkk!!!

sheric said...

thanx mer...

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