Friday, May 21, 2010


surprise huh?
but im not surprise at all
doesn't matter whether this pig hemoglobin exist or not cigarette will be and always become a poison to human..
it all up to every person how they define it..

go back or not...

still haven't make up my mind to go back to Julau with my family or not..

planned to Sabah? canceled hurm..
cos on the 4th of June there is gawai antu for my late granpa @ serau..
meaning~ will b @ serau fr0m 30th may to 5th june

aiyo0.. 1 week w0aa..


- no electric and water supply
-limited of Digi line
-n0 internet connection
meaning no facebook n no blogging..yer~

but eh..
i miss kampung dy.. can smell the l0ng house ar0ma (if u ever go to traditional long house im sure u understand this)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

am i..

haha.. closed to translate every english words that they try t0 'bahasa'-kan..

it take us 6 hours to c0mplete the 2 hours question paper..

n i still have 6 sets of incomplete questions paper + 1 bo0k fr0m sheena.

can ha.. if i close my mind for it n just g0 for our own question which is much more easy t0 understand and more similar with ward condition..

am i dare enough t0 stop??

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

got it...

gmbr ini hanyalah hiasan semata-mata.. makseh!

got the example of 'that' exam paper..
n guess what??
it make my head spinning a.k.a headache adei..
merinsa da m0k translate everything
cuba la official cket suma pakai english kn senang..

Sunday, May 16, 2010

have to..

have to make it straight

baby u lo0k so ugly like dis =(

dear ♥

get well s0on k
this is prescription f0r u fr0m me
(im ur personal nurse ait.. hehe)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

he said..

'mcm mna pun syg trima jg. blh di pupuk jg...'
i loike

thanks syg f0r accept-ing me the way i am

future plan..

well here i am..
an almost 21 years old girl who s0on will have her own diploma in nursing then grab a staff nurse license and will be a nurse in where ever hospital that need her service.. i guess i should do t0 do list by my own now.. cant let my life flow without direction since our river now n0t virgin as our river 10 year ag0.. a l0t of junk will blocking my way.. s0 no more quote 'let my life flow as a river' tet! rejected.. now this quote inspired me more 'we are the pilot of our own life' will never let others t0 plan bout how my life will be..

bef0re all 0f my sweet nurses friends flew back to their own nest, we hanging out together for 1 whole day.. we spent our last lunch til dinner together.. i still remember during our dinner at premier 101 we has discuss bout our future plan.. bout our future employer, salary,life and life partner haha.. kinda intresting t0pic for that nite. i still remember erlyn's topic, bout ♥.. she said, in this w0rld there is tw0 kind of serious love, ok we push puppy love to the side.. tw0 kind of love she means is casual love and committed love. casual love is, yes we are in l0ve with our partner but we never think of marriage.. in other words we were still waiting for the right one instead of 'him'.. for the committed love, it is what u really want. both of u serious and u ready to accept everything bout your partner. majority of us that night admit they were in the casual l0ve and im the only one who has enter t0 the committed love.. all the criteria of committed love is exist in my relationship..

ok back to the topic bout my future plan.. i never have any thought 0f married at this age.. i dun want to waste all of my 3 years time while taking my diploma end with marriage. hopefully i will married at the age of at least 24 and before 27 that my aim.. b4 that i want to become a single nurse not a married nurse just like what i have observe at hospital.. most of staff nurse will married after finish their 3 years of training.. i target to work for 2 years then futher my study to degree, i really hope me myself will hold to this promise (crossing my fingers!)

thats my future plan.. (>,<)y

Thursday, May 13, 2010

b0red and ...

“Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need”

i wish i already have my license and can send my resume to the hospital that i have aim now and w0rking and waiting the end of month for my salary and buy anything that i want and... urrghhhh! i want my own life...

i got ♥ letter...

an apologize letter actually.. fr0m some0ne that make me cried f0r him a few years ag0.. well maybe it influence my love st0ry a lil bit k0t.. want t0 know what is the influence? well.. to them who is in Malaysian defence gr0ups, sori im not into u.. that all la =) but we can be friend, to be life partner maybe 90% no!.. n i guess my l0ve one is not 0ne of them =) n im glad wit it..
even though we are not l0ve partner u can oso make me smile as a friend

(actually i want to post his letter here but i guess i should respect him since he is try to respect me after that event)

one by one...

just n0w i has sent erlyn t0 airport.. yesterday i sent shelly and jandy and tomorrow will be lis turn.. end with i am al0ne here without my sweet nurses friends.. eh wait i still got ain here but she is t0o far , t0o coward t0 drive al0ne to seberang there with my kancil.. chee my kancil gik ya.. my kancil wannabe la.. i'll take 0ver u later after i've my own salary hehe.. k sayang..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

u know what u wan..




keinginan will win cause it is fr0m your heart

hepi Nurses day t0 all 0f my friends and lecturers

t0 my beloved friends and lecturers thanks f0r everything..

bef0re and after

this was unplanned plan haha..
actually i was 0ffer shelly t0 go to 175'cafe then lis asked me a favor t0 send her things t0 terminal..
fr0m terminal we go to 175' cafe

then we were thinking 0f sal0n hair washing after suggesting several place we make up our mind t0 go to trends hair studio which located in front of pullman..
fr0m there we change our mind due t0 me i guess hehe.. dunno la i dun cofident with them.. n yes their pr0motion was dadak! tipu punya.. if just wash hair pkai shampoo biasa without massage i g0t shampo0 oso, pantene gik ya..

fr0m there we go to wisma seberkas go straight t0 artist ngahaha.. actually we do go to art of hair n they have n0 magnet t0 catch us..
artist got the magnet at last hehe..

..thanx Bens0n f0r this hairstyle..

n thanx t0 Levin oso f0r offer us t0 become his model f0r his hairstyle show..
sori we have t0 say n0..

Monday, May 10, 2010

when im stress i will..

cry out loud by myself in my r0om..
used to cry infr0nt of my friends oso.. just s0me of them.. especially bibie and claudia when we were r0ommate in my 1st year in UiTM.. n0w no more.. we just cant fit together but still contact n g0 makang together if got time hoh.... hey! the guy yg buat ku nangis infront of u all just add me in FB just now.. i still remember, we were break when he is odw to his training center @ pulapor.. hue..hue.. haha

i will c0nsume a lot of foods.. i am the pers0n who dont really care bout my BMI.. rarely trying t0 diet even though want to kurus.. seriously.. mulut said want t0 kurus but still consume anything that i like.. as long as i relief..

used to need s0meone to lent their ears t0 me.. but now i realize that only one pers0n that i really trust for this.. only eric.. so when ever i got problem with him i have no body to share that things with n just keep it by myself which sometime make me superb stress.. but what can i do... i only trust him.. i trust my parents but it is not suitable for me to tell that kind of problem to them..

just l0ve..

i just l0ve her m0vie t0 the max..
i have watch almost all of them n n0w im wathcing according t0 greta~her0in hillary duff ('',)

gonna miss this...

this is the years 0f making new friends, explore the new place, gain m0re knowledge, share the laugh and tears and learn h0w to say go0d bye..

Sunday, May 9, 2010


after l0ss it for a several months it c0me t0 kill me this month..
it is really killing me..
0oh.. DYSMENORRHEA shit!

farewell party f0r miss halimah..

thanx f0r everything that u gave t0 us within this 3 years time..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

t0 all my nurses wannabe..

almost every0ne has arrived at their own h0metown i guess.. well hepi oliday every0ne and dun f0rget to do ur revision f0r nursing board exam.. t0 all semenanjungian' kih..kih gud luck with ur new environment @ puncak alam f0r revision week.. and t0 all the sarawakian and sabahan, d0 come back for ur revision week here in samarahan.. me?? well im always here.. i miss u all already, luckily for the first week of holiday all of my p0oh cake friends still here.. and thanx to them cos of them i p0kai already haha.. but wat i like the most is we spent our time together with f0od.. woho00.. kenyang everyday n getting b0roi again after having a flat tummy f0r 1 semester staying at h0me.. it is holiday now well.. welc0me flat tummy~

p/s thanx to ain .. me culik this pic fr0m ur account..

Friday, May 7, 2010

cely's bday in advance..

just came back fr0m celebrate shelly's bday.. well as usual we g0ne for a lightening plan.. the original plan was we will celebrate for her belated bday next m0nday but it bcome in advance bday for her since she maybe will go back to sibu on monday.. in the exact date all of us have to attend farewell party f0r our ex-beloved lecturer miss halimah..

a p0oh cake for shelly haha..

Thursday, May 6, 2010

another news from columbia asia...

just received an email fr0m columbia asia.. this time it is n0t t0o disappoint me cos fr0m their email i know after i have my license an opportunity for me is there..

From: shereen deborah []
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 10:38 AM
Subject: curious to know..


I am a final year student nurse from University of Mara(UITM). I just want to know whether your hospital receive or have any vacancy for a fresh graduate student without a license from nursing board. I have finish all of my curriculum in UITM and just waiting for nursing board exam in June. Thanks..


Christina Jaim

To:shereen deborah
Cc:Michelle Jering Udol

Dear Shereen,

Greetings from Columbia Asia Hospital-Bintulu!

Thank you for your email and interest in serving the hospital.

Regret to inform you that there is no vacancy available at the moment. To be employed as a Nurse, a Practicing License is absolutely vital.

Have a pleasant day.

Kind Regards,


getting b0red...

it been 2 days after i am officially n0t a student anymore..
n i am damn bored..

nothing to do and have no money..

bef0re i was planned to apply f0r assistant nurse post as i waiting f0r my nursing board exam then i change my mind. c0s in June we will have revision on the 14th of June f0r 1 week then on the 23rd of June is the m0ment.. the starting line f0r all of us..

Gud Luck t0 all Misi wannabe..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

0fficially 0ut of campus..

t0day 5th may 2010 i am officially 0ut of UiTM campus swak f0r ever... yea!
d0ne with clearance 0n everything and now i am out of UiTM's system..
n0 more student with ID 2007410542,
n0 more UiTM name tag..
just waiting f0r LJM (dis will be depend on my pers0nal effort)

eh n0 waiting f0r my Konv0 in october jak la...
cant wait..

1 d0ne 1 more t0 go0..

d0ne with my OSCE and it was grrrreat~
xcept f0r 2 stations..
i guest i shud only reveal the question tommoro even tho i am really excited t0 share it now..
0ur friends at Shah Alam n0t d0ne yet with their 2nd session..

and n0w i am free til our nursing board exam on 23rd June 10.. time f0r me to work up with my resume and apply as many vacancy as i can haha..

Monday, May 3, 2010

he try to give CPR is it??

i cant...

i am in dilema..

i cant st0p fr0m being me, if being me is hurting everybody what should i do cos this is me..

i rather choose to have dilemma with myself than with everyone that i love, but i cant avoid it

this might s0und a lil bit paranoid but i felt that everyone's love t0 me become lack day by day because of me being me~ yea kinda confuse- let it be....


just came back fr0m specialist clinic~

bad news

i have to continue my antibiotic until 3 month.. duh~ then i have to check my bl0od for liver function test after consume doxycyline for 6 weeks .. kinda nervous.. through my history medical check up always gave a bad result for me.. just like before when i have to check my blood and do an ultra sound due to pain at the left side of my abdominal, i was diagnose with uterine fibroid takut doh~ dun wan to berpenyakit..

go0d news

the handsome doctor was prescribed an acnegel for me.. 8 last after request for a several time cis.. hopefully this panoxyl acnegel 5 % will be ok for me.. and hopefully my liver function test will b ok..

Sunday, May 2, 2010

another appointment

i got an appointment with skin specialist clinic again today.. this is my third appointment and what i know my acne bcome more severe.

on my first appointment they gave me an antibiotic for 2 weeks then nothing impr0ve..
2nd appointment they advice me to take antibiotic for another one month.. and now it become more worse..

hurmm.. cant blame they also cos they only diagnose and try t0 giv the right treatment for me.. as i know antibiotic will let all the bacteria came out first before it blemish everything~

what i can do is be patient and c what other treatment for today huhu..


just send another email t0 Columbia Asia Hospital- bintulu branch.. cr0ss my hand again (>,<)

n0 more miri~

when i woke up this m0rning, i have an instinct that s0me email has knocking my inbox..

turn on my lappy with all the hope for them to say yes we got a vacancy for u

but this is what they replied to me )=

Dear Ms Shereen,

Greetings from Columbia Asia Hospital-Miri !

Kindly be informed that at the moment we don’t have any vacancy for Staff Nurse position at our centre.

Thank you for applying and have a pleasant day ahead. Thank you.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Kathleen Kedal
Public Relation & Marketing Manager
Columbia Asia Hospital-Miri
(Formerly Known as Columbia Asia Medical Centre, Miri)
Lot 1035-1039, Jalan Bulan Sabit,
C.D.T 155
98009 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Tel: +6085-437755
Fax: + 6085-426293

anyway this is the first time tho~ atleast i know it is not easy as what all of we think before.. to apply a nurse position without our license maybe impossible for the moment. but i'll try for bintulu. i want t0 work with columbia asia s0 badly huhu

cr0ss my hand~

dgn muka x malu n desperately f0r w0rk i have sent an email to miri Columbia Asia hospital asking for any vacancy for fresh graduate student nurse without license like me.. heh..hek.. hopefully i will received their answer by tomorrow..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

mistakes but..

our mistakes is i am still curious b0ut plenty of things and still want to enjoy my life with things that me n my friends likes

but u..

u have experiencing everything nothing make u curious~

i'll try my best t0 adapt
myself with ur way like
wat u hv d0ne for me