Wednesday, April 28, 2010

end up with..

steamboat with our CI was awesome..
we were enjoy it t0 the max.. and end up with fabulous bill wakaka.. if im not mistaken it was RM235.50 hehe very the 'melut' our eyes tgk~ anyway we enjoy the f0od very much~

the nite was n0t end @ D11.. we g0 smbung @ MB0 cineplex yeah hahaha..
and 'all is fair in love and r0meWhen in R0me' became our dessert of th
e nite instead of segelen eskrem @D11hehe..

if u already give up with l0ve u should watch dis.. tip top f0r hopeless 0ne hehe


Anonymous said...

shereen, delete secret whispers. tedelete email to log secret whispers. i have new one.

sheric said...

wokeh mer

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