Thursday, April 15, 2010

cont.. my book of wisdom

this is my favourite masterpiece. im not sure wh0 is the author but i got this fr0m michelle ida during my 4 weeks stay in program KAYA (kuching archdiocese youth apostolate)

(10 march 07)

~my kisses are worth more than a party or movie

~my body is the temple of God - not a play thing

~the first 'NO' maybe difficult - after that it's easy

~virginity is still a virtue; lust is still a capital sin

~the way i dress, act and speak maybe a temtation to my boyfriend i will observe modesty for
his and my protection

~my parents has done so much for me, i wish always to be credit for them

~my boyfriend will be a husband and father someday, he must be a hero in the eyes of his wife and children. i will do nothing to prevent that on my dares with him

~i want to be a wife and mother. i will reserve my purity and affection for my husband and

~if through my weakness, i should get pregnant, i will not take the easy way out by killing my
unborn child.


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