Wednesday, April 21, 2010


"It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and a lifetime to forget them." is it? it take 20 years for me to find him haha ye rite.. til now i dunno wheter i appreciate him enough and i never plan t0 forget him.. forever =)

s0me people says
they will never find the right person, if they never let go of the wrong one. my thought~ why they give a hope to the wr0ng person at the first place if they are not sure

yet one of my friend said; she kinda confuse with what people ar0und her think bout l0ve. she confuse bout how the define LOVE in their life..
for her, her l0ver will be the first and the last one in her life.. wow.. she is single til her will ready for it... marvelous! plus she gave an example t0 me,

she said; k see, how c0me today u love this pers0n then next week it will be other pers0n.. isn't that weird..

(ok.. im kinda agree with her n i felt geli t0 recall back bout my previous l0ve story haha.. with all the things we have pr0mise to our ex~yuck!)

then in wedding, this phrase is the most popular than others 'therefore a man shall leave his parents and take a wife and they will unite and become flesh'... is this true? but then why there always an event that we call 'nguai' in iban which is whether a man will follow his women to her house or a women follow her man to his house why don't they stay by their own?

a l0t of confusing huh? hehe anyway when we confuse it make us think more~ which is better for us...


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