Friday, April 30, 2010

dear ..

2 years, 2 months and 2 weeks + 2 days

love u..

measuring tape~

when a friends become a measuring tape together.. nice l0L~

Thursday, April 29, 2010


after tw0 years with him i manage t0 conclude this~ (ehem this is for myself la due to my exprience of my love story)

when u are coupl-ing with s0meone wh0 is same age or older 1..2..3.. years 0r younger than u, u will define the l0ve as enjoy and fun and romantic n wan to b with u day n nite n much more la aiyaa..

and when u are coupling with s0meone who is muchie..muchie older than u or ur brother or ur sister l0ve will be define as commitment and responsibility.. n it kinda freak me out.. but u wilfeel much more secure..

emeritus abeb's creati0n~

temerak but best hehe

numBer 2..

dear ..

2 years, 2 months and 2 weeks

it is not a small number

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

org besi ini mlm~

warning!-gmbr dia ats adalh hiasan semata2 tiada kna mgena dgn m0vie ini mlm haha..

tunite watch ir0n man 2 with my dear eric..

uhh` i l0ve my final year life s0o much..

end up with..

steamboat with our CI was awesome..
we were enjoy it t0 the max.. and end up with fabulous bill wakaka.. if im not mistaken it was RM235.50 hehe very the 'melut' our eyes tgk~ anyway we enjoy the f0od very much~

the nite was n0t end @ D11.. we g0 smbung @ MB0 cineplex yeah hahaha..
and 'all is fair in love and r0meWhen in R0me' became our dessert of th
e nite instead of segelen eskrem @D11hehe..

if u already give up with l0ve u should watch dis.. tip top f0r hopeless 0ne hehe

steamboat tunite~

yesterday we ate at Boyan(click!) n tunite will b @ D11(click!) f0r bbq steamboat... a m0nth of f0od marath0n yeah! l0ve misi-misi ku ehek..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


sori dear..
i really dunno h0w to comf0rt u, but i will b by ur side forever~

Saturday, April 24, 2010

when will m'sia approve a place like dis =)

mcm peti sejuk mayat! serious~

u r unique~

Friday, April 23, 2010

a place where my parents dream of~

vatican (click!) muzeum staircase..


nice hoh~ art babeh...

back t0 childh0od time~

Childhood is a short season; can i request another seas0n for it?



in future, amen...

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."



u r no 0ne...

I'm not pretending to be anyone. You're just jealous that I'm someone and you're no one

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Life is a beauty; admit it.
Life is bliss; taste it
Life is a dream; realize it.
Life is challenge; meet it.
Life is a duty; complete it.
Life is a game; play it
Life is a promise; fullfill it.
Life is sorrow; overcome it.
Life is a song; sing it.
Life is a struggle; accept it.
Life is a tragedy; confront it.
Life is an adventure; dare it.
Life is luck; make it.
Life is too precious; do not destroy it.
Life is life; fight for it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


"It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and a lifetime to forget them." is it? it take 20 years for me to find him haha ye rite.. til now i dunno wheter i appreciate him enough and i never plan t0 forget him.. forever =)

s0me people says
they will never find the right person, if they never let go of the wrong one. my thought~ why they give a hope to the wr0ng person at the first place if they are not sure

yet one of my friend said; she kinda confuse with what people ar0und her think bout l0ve. she confuse bout how the define LOVE in their life..
for her, her l0ver will be the first and the last one in her life.. wow.. she is single til her will ready for it... marvelous! plus she gave an example t0 me,

she said; k see, how c0me today u love this pers0n then next week it will be other pers0n.. isn't that weird..

(ok.. im kinda agree with her n i felt geli t0 recall back bout my previous l0ve story haha.. with all the things we have pr0mise to our ex~yuck!)

then in wedding, this phrase is the most popular than others 'therefore a man shall leave his parents and take a wife and they will unite and become flesh'... is this true? but then why there always an event that we call 'nguai' in iban which is whether a man will follow his women to her house or a women follow her man to his house why don't they stay by their own?

a l0t of confusing huh? hehe anyway when we confuse it make us think more~ which is better for us...

Monday, April 19, 2010

few things t0 go~

clinical practiceIX (NRS 349)
27 april 2010

o4 Mei 2010
the wh0le day

nursing b0ard exam
ar0und Jun
time n0t confirm.

then.. i am free~

Sunday, April 18, 2010

i f0und this in his hp..


So I hopped on a train three in the afternoon
I don't know when I'm coming back, but I hope that it's soon
See, I never thought (I never though)
That I'd have to leave your side (your side)

It's only physically but know that you will be on my mind
Twenty-four hours at a time
Cause in my eyes, you were mine (you were mine)

No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me

See, she wrote me a letter, said the weather wasn't better
But she said that she was doing fine
"I want to see you face to face", that's what she wrote to me that day
And I knew that it was all a sign
So I wrote back with a song, promised it won't be too long
Wanna make up for all our lost time
Cause in my eyes, you were mine (you were mine)

No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me

So I'm going through these boxes, my life's gone off track
It's been three years, she hasn't written back
But in my eyes, she's still mine
And I know it sounds so stupid to be waiting this long
But I'm still in love, and I know I'm not wrong
Cause in my eyes, she was mine

No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and
No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby, no
Not when it comes to you and me

p/s~ me perasan ckit now,i felt like he gave this s0ng for me

Friday, April 16, 2010

d0nt give a hope..

i hate people wh0 hurt someone that i love s0 much..

the day u decide to love s0meone is the day that u pr0mise to urself to learn the way he used to be not to change him to others...
it is not only about u but about both of u that u decide for~ d0nt give a hope if u cant bear it

Thursday, April 15, 2010

cont.. my book of wisdom

this is my favourite masterpiece. im not sure wh0 is the author but i got this fr0m michelle ida during my 4 weeks stay in program KAYA (kuching archdiocese youth apostolate)

(10 march 07)

~my kisses are worth more than a party or movie

~my body is the temple of God - not a play thing

~the first 'NO' maybe difficult - after that it's easy

~virginity is still a virtue; lust is still a capital sin

~the way i dress, act and speak maybe a temtation to my boyfriend i will observe modesty for
his and my protection

~my parents has done so much for me, i wish always to be credit for them

~my boyfriend will be a husband and father someday, he must be a hero in the eyes of his wife and children. i will do nothing to prevent that on my dares with him

~i want to be a wife and mother. i will reserve my purity and affection for my husband and

~if through my weakness, i should get pregnant, i will not take the easy way out by killing my
unborn child.

my b0ok of wisd0m..


i f0und my wisd0m book again haha..

i was started filled this b0ok with all of my favorite masterpieces since i was at form 4 til semester 2 of my diploma then i was totally forget bout this book...
m0st of it is n0t mine, cos i am n0t an art pers0n.
i l0ve t0 read it but i am t0tally blank and don't have any fabulous idea h0w t0 'ngelagu' (create) the b0ombastic w0rds.. haha..

this is the contain of the first page in this bo0k.. the upper one is the picture of me n my friends angela, eva, jeniffer,patricia,jasmine and joshua..

below is me and angel with our favourite teacher mr.Fathi Suria.. i heard he was transfered to kuching high

at the right one is bout my name haha. the meaning of my name, i still remember mila is the one wh0 gave this s0ftware to m0st of us.. we used t0 ngelepak at smkks computer lab played with this junk haha...

sensitive and sentimental, u cant help feeling depressed when someone hurt u. shy and reserved u avoid talking themselves. u r true friend, hard workers and traditionalist. u miss not having the protection and security u had as children. home loving, u usually feel like spending time with ur family and prefer being home from being at a party..

haha.. so skema the meaning.. before i used to believe this but not anymore. now i believe that i am the one who will describe myself not my name..

for others contain wait
for the next p0st.. wink!

nurse wannabe

few month to go before me n my friends will graduate..

i have this kind of feeling which i don't want t0 grade aarrhh.. i hv no idea why, i feel that i am not ready t0 stand on my own.

anyway i have t0 prepare myself, end of this month i will d0ne with my final exam after that OSCE will take part then LJM... after d0ne with all of this, then my j0urney as a register nurse will begin...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

disc0ver the new thing.. how to 0n9 and gain money..

from what i has explore this page just like google but we can gain money fr0m it..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

event in my life lately..

s0 much things i want to share here.. mm how t0 start ho~... keh.. as u all know (maybe just someoe u =b) i am now in my final year and final semester in Uitm.. uuh~ time is running s0 fast.. and sadly i am keep wasting 'him' (the time). s0on i will get my license, a license which will change my status fr0m student nurse to a register nurse.. uuh~ cant wait f0r it.. before that of course larh~ i have to pass my Malaysian nursing board exam first.

at the beginning of semester 6 which is my final semester everything was still blurred. i still cant catch the vision of how it will be.. anyway after complete all of my attachment, everything was ok. and nothing is impossible. the beginning of my journey~

during my attchment @ operation theater

then thanx to all of our junior f0r organized a farewell dinner for all of us (all of part 6 nurses wanabe) my comment~ ermm.. need to b improve n never ever choose dat hotel if u all plan to organize any in future. not worth it.. but keep it up~ hot nurses in action ~

climax event for my final year in UiTM is 'pre-graduation nite' best dinner that i ever attend. everything was well organized and tip-top.. unfortunately i just enjoy the moment with all of my nursing colleague, so sad cos most of my cl0se friends has graduate oredi. i dun hve much friends in uitm either. best thing is while we were getting near to the end of our journey i found my crezy colleague whom i never tot will make me laugh to the max.. to all of my 'makcik2' desa ilmu thanx! not f0rget aIn (click!)~ u r crazy girl but i love u =)

the most crazy thing i ever d0ne.. has plan it for a few time wit different2 friends but this time i got the permission (i was like uuhhh! s0oo go00d) trip to MIRI!!!! yeah! i feel great that time.. i love my parents so much.. they trusting me so much ( i am so sure if ur parents trusting u, u will feel s0 good) trip to miri wit lis(click!) and celly(click!) was awesome!

everything was awesome and how i wish i can further my study for degree.. but i can't hurmm.. final is just around the corner and i haven't start my revision yet. before settle my diploma in nursing i just have to 'redah' a few things ~1 final paper (NRS349), OSCE and LJM

geng!!! c u in any hospital later (o,0)y


s0 as u can c here,
nah! my plain new blog..
i hate my messy and undated previous blog~
and n0w i am hoping s0 much that this blog will b my nice n permanent blog =b