Wednesday, October 27, 2010


yesterday was our 1st induction experience. even though it is not like actual induction like what they in gov sector always have but then it is great when all the new staff can mix together. especially when some of the x-course mates become my colleague, felt like it was just a course that we always attend when we were student hehe..

Monday, October 25, 2010

stupid arrogant


.let we see what will u get in your future.


Saturday, October 23, 2010


awww.. mmg very the un-expect thing la..

0nce up0n a time, our ward's
ph0ne ringging. -ring..ngering.. ring..ngering

misi 1: haluu.. speaking, who in the line?
misi 1: wHAAT!! (bergegar ward)

misi berckp dgn mulut terl0p0ng (cuba try imagine itu)

then berita tersebar,

misi said shhhhhh~

'lut0r yg special itu kena bantei sma samsieng d bawh' (semua terngaga tidak percaya)

my reaction?

- tersengih (dont care oso, pity pun not really)
- cos he also never respect his nurses
- he never realize i am ready to follow his round
- he ever shouting at me infr0nt of patient's family member said that he dont want the new nurses to follow him..

Friday, October 22, 2010

i still love my latest post tho0..

someone become a HULK after read my previous post and warning me to delete it.

well thanks for surfing til my lousy blog; great! at last u undrstand what i post. cos previously i heard someone cant understand my blog. i didn't asked u to read it tho0.. i tot only mermer and bibie the 0ne who always read my p0st.

thanks to u then stalker.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


bec0me one of the nurses in Malaysia is great, truly great knowing yourself is in one of the professional profession after been struggling f0r it in 3 years.

and yeah im the registered nurse number 88494. n0t everybody have the same luck as me. finished my secondary scho0l, get an offer to continue for my dipl0ma

met with great ro0mates and friends

great coursemates..

and i keep remind myself, i cant get all of this if not because of my great family. my family is the greatest!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

dont know when i can d0 this..