Tuesday, June 29, 2010

up & d0wn..

d0ne with my interview yesterday
the conclusion is,
interview for a new jobs is not that hard as long as you ready and confident..

b4 this im dying wanted this job so much but after interview my feeling bc0me up side down..
i dont want that job tet! how leh?
well this is me...
cant stick with 1 decision

Thursday, June 24, 2010

banci bh..

8.22 am....

Hello tok shereen ka?

erm ya? sapa tok? (i tot someone one i know cos she speak swakian)

kmk dr kementerian perangkaan, ktk ada apply utk jawatan penyelia banci sementara nak.

owh, auk knk?

ktk dtg interview 29hb tok owh kt queen court tingkat 2 kul 8 pagi. bw semua sijil ktk yg original. pkai pakaian kemas k

ok, maksih.. hehehe

i got the job haha..
anyway a lil bit terpesong fr0m wat i had learns but it can improve my communication skill
and guess wat i will attend my first interview.. 8least i have an exprience b4 the real interview for misi.. =)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

pssst....past..pass.. past,,,


everything already d0ne..
the LJM is my past already =b
and i hope i will pass
and i can get my license as so0n as possible..

cant wait to join the w0rking world
i know it is gonna be hard than my student time
but i know i can =)

Monday, June 21, 2010

t0morrow and the day after tomorrow..


i am after being so0 quiet f0r quite sometime kot hehe cause of ke-lazy-an melanda..
tomorow will be my big day.. the day that will change everything.. i will sit f0r nursing board examination. and honestly i am not 100% prepared. and i am being s0 s0o lazy lately. but after 3 years of my diploma i am confident that i am ready for it.. what would happen on the day after tomorrow? well no body know, even me myself cant answer it.. let it flow like a river but i prefer to sail on my own boat at the free flow river and i will be the captain..


Friday, June 18, 2010


we never tot it will hurt u.. just that we tot it is not the right time to say thanx til we pass the LJM..
sory once again..

Monday, June 14, 2010

time to push myself..

LJM is around the corner
so i guess i should change my gear fr0m D to D2
(auto edition hahaha..)

to all my friends go0d luck for this coming big day and congrat!! for our marvelous previous result-so now we can grade 0n time together yeehaaaa... =)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

s0o not me.. and hepi ending yeah!

well today is suppose t0 be my critical day but never expect it will b this critical.. yea so s0 critical im s0 desperate want to know my result.. ............ tadaaaa.. here she c0me my fren kihkih.. she said she already know her result cos she main 'buyuk' .. she offer me to check mine if i willing to let her know my password well what do u expect i am so desperate..

and i got it..
i got this..



i am so hepi!!

im on the top of the world!!!